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7 Pillars of a Successful Customer-Oriented Marketing Strategy

7 Pillars of a Successful Customer-Oriented Marketing Strategy

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business. They’re who you’re selling to, and they’re the reason why your company exists in the first place. But a customer-centric marketing strategy can do more than just increase sales; it can also help you build loyalty and trust with your audience. By focusing on their needs and interests, you can create meaningful connections with consumers that will benefit both parties for years to come. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a successful customer-oriented marketing strategy using seven key pillars that will leave your target audience happy and engaged:

#1 - Your Brand’s Voice

Your brand’s voice is the tone in which you speak to your customers. It’s how you present yourself, and it can be anything from fun and casual to formal and professional. It’s also one of the most important factors of a successful marketing strategy because it’s what sets your brand apart from others in its category.

To find your brand's voice, look at the way that competitors talk about themselves on social media platforms (especially Twitter) and think about what makes them unique compared to others in their industry or field. Once you know what makes your competitors stand out from each other, try incorporating those elements into how you talk about yourself as well!

#2 - Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is not a new concept. It’s not even the most appropriate name for it, but it does sum up what we’re talking about and has been used by many in this space.

The idea behind conversational marketing is that you are no longer pushing out messages to your customers, but instead you are listening to them and responding with relevant content that builds trust and loyalty with your audience.

Conversational marketing goes beyond just listening though; it involves building relationships through storytelling and creating experiences around those stories that are shared on social media platforms or blogs/newsletters etc…

#3 - Customer-Oriented PR

If you want to become customer-oriented in every aspect of your marketing strategy, PR is a great way to get in touch with customers. PR also works well for getting your brand in front of journalists and influencers, which can be extremely useful when it comes time for a product launch or other major campaign.

In fact, many brands have already begun adopting the customer-centric approach:

  • Amazon has been making headlines lately by creating its own products. These include Echo speakers and Alexa AI assistant devices -- both of which were developed after listening closely to what customers wanted from these products.
  • Coca-Cola has learned from its past mistakes (the disastrous launch of New Coke) by focusing almost exclusively on its consumers' needs and wants over any other concerns about how its products are perceived by the public at large.

#4 - The Art of Storytelling

When you tell a story, you are creating a connection between your customer and the brand. The right kind of story can really help to build brand loyalty and customer engagement.

Here's how:

  • Tell Your Story in an Unscripted Way. Don’t try to tell your customer what they want to hear or what they expect from you; rather, focus on telling them the truth—your honest take on things—and let them decide if they like it or not! Remember that the best stories don’t have pre-written endings; instead, they leave room for interpretation and discovery by their audience!
  • Be Authentic with Your Story—Use Humor if Necessary (but Only if Necessary). You should never use humor just for the sake of being funny; however, if there is something genuinely humorous about what you want customers to know about your company then go ahead and incorporate that into your narrative as long as it fits well within the context of everything else being said here today!

#5 - Organic Growth via Social Media

You might be thinking that social media is just a bunch of time-wasters, but it’s actually one of the most powerful tools for achieving your business goals. It’s one of the best ways to connect with your customers and build your brand's voice.

Social media gives you access to millions of potential customers, which means it can also help boost sales. For example, a study by Marketo found that social media marketing leads directly produced an average revenue increase of 92%.

#6 - Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach new customers and increase conversions. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution; each paid advertising campaign should be tailored to your specific needs. When it comes to paid advertising, you can choose from many different options:

  • Retargeting Ads – These ads are shown to people who have already visited your site or watched one of your videos. Because retargeting ads follow a person around across different sites, they have a high click-through rate and conversion rate.
  • Display Ads – Display ads appear on third-party websites when someone searches for certain keywords that relate directly back to you or your product/service (e.g., “windows installation”). They tend not only toward being more expensive than other types of digital marketing strategies but also toward having lower click-through rates because these advertisements don’t always show up in relevant places when someone performs a search query related specifically to what he or she wants from his or experience using Google first before making a purchase decision online while searching within browser history later.

#7 - Your Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a sequence of steps that leads to a transaction. The funnel is the way you track the progress of your customer, and it’s also how you track their interactions with your marketing efforts.

The first step in the sales funnel is “awareness”—the moment when someone becomes aware of your product or service. This might happen through an ad on Facebook, Google search results for related keywords, or even word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family members.

After being exposed to an asset (such as an advertisement), people move on to the next stage: consideration. When they think about buying something, they consider different options such as price comparison sites or reading reviews before making a decision about which product suits them best based on its features and benefits compared to competitors.

Once they’re ready to make a purchase decision based on all available information sources - including those gathered by your efforts - this brings us back full circle into awareness since now they know that there exists at least one viable option out there somewhere!

Don't lose sight of the people in your marketing strategy.

The most important part of your business is the customers. Without them, you'd have no business at all. The customers are the reason your business exists, they're the reason it's successful and profitable, and they're also responsible for any growth that's taking place within your company right now. So if there's one thing that has to be front-and-center in every marketing strategy you create for yourself and your organization—it's this: Don't lose sight of who matters most!


We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to create a more customer-oriented marketing strategy. If you're ready to get started on your own, then follow the 7 steps above, and soon enough you'll be on your way!

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